Friday, March 6, 2009

One Day Left!!!!!

The top picture above is showing both of my bags fully packed and ready for Belize. The bottom picture is an "exploded" view of both bags showing the entirety of their contents.

Well, I have one full day left here in beautiful Colorado until I get on a bus at my school en route to DIA to board a plane that will eventually land me in Belize City. There begins the actual adventure, because as most of you know the adventure started way back in September for this trip, that I have spent the past 6 months in preparation for.

As I speak, some of my classmates are in other cities performing in sports tournaments for our school and they are planning on getting back late Saturday night so they have all been fully packed for a couple days now, whereas I finished packing just this afternoon.

I also think you would like to know that I was able to raise sufficient funds just in time for the total amount deadline that was set for this past Monday. I cannot give enough thanks to those who have supported me both prayerfully and financially. I cannot wait to get there but I also cannot wait to get back so that I can share my experiences with you both through stories and through pictures, which I plan to take a whole lot of.

Until next time,
Ben Means

Saturday, February 7, 2009

As The Hour Draws Near...

Hey Everybody!

It's been too long since my last post and I apologize for that. Anyway, I am now less than $500 away from reaching the total funds I need for my trip to Belize.
I have been constantly going around to different stores and putting in applications, going back a couple times and doing all that is needed when applying around. I'm praying that if God wants me to have a job, that He will have His will done not mine. If He doesn't want me to have a job, then it shall be, but either way I'm putting my faith in God that He will provide everything I need to be ready and to go on this once-in-a-lifetime trip.
In school we have been practicing different group drama's that we will perform for the villagers while we are down in Belize. We are also tested every Friday on two or three more verses that are key to witnessing to lost people. I have noticed that it is becoming much easier to read my Bible because I know that when I do, I learn more and more ways to trust God, and to share His love with those around me.
As the trip dawns nearer and nearer each day, I feel a rising excitement in my heart about the trip as a whole and all the amazing wonderful memories that I know God will allow us to make while we are down there.
God has been visibly working in all of my classmate's hearts' as well as mine own to prepare us for the opportunity He has laid before us. In our class discussions, we have grown more and more open with each other in talking about intimate topics that are close to each of our hearts.
I am praying for each and every one of my classmate's and for my own heart that God would choose to break us while we are down there and that He would reveal Himself to us in ways we never dreamed of. I am praying for those such as me that are struggling to raise the sufficient funds for this trip because I don't want anyone to miss this trip.
Please pray for my class and for me that God would use us in many ways and that He would change our lives through this trip.

Prayerfully His,
Ben Means

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Wintertime Excitement!

Hello One and All,

I am deeply sorry that I have not updated on here in a while. Things have been... exciting ...crazy...etc. Earlier this month, my class went on a field trip (first one since 5th or 6th grade!!!!) to the Operation Christmas Child warehouse in South Denver. While we were there, we were put to work; inspecting the boxes that had been sent into the donation centers for unneeded items, making sure that all boxes were securely taped for shipping, and finally repacking them 14-16 shoeboxes to a box.

When our teacher told us about this trip earlier this year, I must admit that I wasn't too incredibly excited. However, now that I am done with it, I look back and I see how much fun it was to do all that work knowing that kids (for our warehouse) in Mexico would be having an amazing Christmas this year, partly because of my efforts.

Since that trip, some other things have happened regarding our trip. I have recieved more letters and donations (thanks to everyone who has sent some kind of reply!) and we also received our packing lists ( =O ).

I am now having to step it up on my job search so that I can afford all the things that I will need to get for this trip. I already have in applications at six different stores and I am planning on putting in more after this week. Please pray for me as I search for a job in this failing economy.

That brings me to this week. This year Christmas has been extremely different for me, and while I know the reason, I am stumped as to why the reason is there at all. I have been, as usual, anticipating Christmas since early October ( lol ) but this year for an very different reason. I have had this feeling of not really caring if I receive any presents at all for Christmas, as long as the people I love are happy.

Robert Heinlein once said "Love is the condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own." I think that is the best way to end this post.

Until next time,

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Donations Already!?!?

So, about a week ago, I sent out my request letters explaining that I am going on this trip in the spring and requesting help both financially and prayerfully. Within the last four days, I have already recieved three letters with donations. This is a very clear thing of God that I am supposed to be going on this trip. Yesterday in class, we had a guest speaker and it was none other than Melissa Fisher, the missionary that will be waiting for us when we fly down to Belize. She showed us a video of what it will be like when we go down there followed by a couple of slideshows of the different people and areas that are waiting for us. She was also able to answer many of our questions that we had about different things that we will be doing once we arrive in Belize. Things are definitely starting to fall into place for this trip. As winter comes, inevitably bringing spring, and my trip, I find myself becoming more and more anxious to see what God has in store for me.

Until next time.

Monday, November 3, 2008

God is working in my heart already!

Dear friends,

These past few days have been extra crazy and through it all God has revealed some "flaws" in my character and relationship with him and provided ways for me to fix them. Long story short, He revealed to me that I had made the HUGE mistake of being overly judgemental both in my social life at my new school and in my relationship with Him by questioning both my Christianity and His plans for me. I realized that I was being extremely impatient in multiple situations and that my choice to not read my bible dilligently over the past few months is having a much bigger effect on me than I had previously believed it would. I know that He is doing these things to impress upon me the importance of the job that I am undertaking this coming spring and how much my spiritual preparation is needed to make this trip successful on my part. I know that a change is needed in my life and I am trying to make it. I hope that you will all keep my in your hearts and prayers as I rely on God to help me emerge through these trials victoriously.

Until next time.

p.s. A great friend of mine showed me this verse last night and I know God was working in me through her to help me get through this.
Psalm 18:16 - He reached down from on high and took hold of me; he drew me out of deep waters.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Looking for your support!

Dear Friends and Family,

Hello! I hope that this finds you and your family in a time of peace and prosperity. As many of you know, I am a senior in High School now and I also recently transferred to Resurrection Christian School in Loveland, Colorado.

This spring, I have been given the chance to minister to those less fortunate than me in a way that I never dreamed would be available to me. My senior class is taking a mission trip to Belize in the place of our senior trip. This is an amazing and exciting prospect for me to partake in. It will last just over a week from early to Mid-March of 2009. During the first week we will be reaching out to inhabitants of the Punta Gorda villages which will be followed by ministry opportunities in inner-city and school areas of Belize City. This trip is being planned and carried out in cooperation with Jervis and Melissa Fisher and Laugh Out Loud Ministries.

As many of you have probably noticed, God has blessed me with a servants’ heart and I hope desperately to use it to its’ full extent during this amazing opportunity to share His love.

However, to go on this trip, I must raise just under $2000 by February 1, 2009. I have a payment that is due soon. First and foremost, I hope that you will keep me in your prayers for this opportunity. Also you may help by contributing financially. You can receive a tax deduction by making your check payable to RCS. Your donations will be used in various ways such as to buy toys and other necessities for the children in Belize, but also to help Laugh Out Loud ministries and their future ministry opportunities.

I want to thank you all again for prayerfully and financially supporting me through this amazing journey that God is sending me on.

Prayerfully His,

Benjamin Means