Sunday, December 21, 2008

Wintertime Excitement!

Hello One and All,

I am deeply sorry that I have not updated on here in a while. Things have been... exciting ...crazy...etc. Earlier this month, my class went on a field trip (first one since 5th or 6th grade!!!!) to the Operation Christmas Child warehouse in South Denver. While we were there, we were put to work; inspecting the boxes that had been sent into the donation centers for unneeded items, making sure that all boxes were securely taped for shipping, and finally repacking them 14-16 shoeboxes to a box.

When our teacher told us about this trip earlier this year, I must admit that I wasn't too incredibly excited. However, now that I am done with it, I look back and I see how much fun it was to do all that work knowing that kids (for our warehouse) in Mexico would be having an amazing Christmas this year, partly because of my efforts.

Since that trip, some other things have happened regarding our trip. I have recieved more letters and donations (thanks to everyone who has sent some kind of reply!) and we also received our packing lists ( =O ).

I am now having to step it up on my job search so that I can afford all the things that I will need to get for this trip. I already have in applications at six different stores and I am planning on putting in more after this week. Please pray for me as I search for a job in this failing economy.

That brings me to this week. This year Christmas has been extremely different for me, and while I know the reason, I am stumped as to why the reason is there at all. I have been, as usual, anticipating Christmas since early October ( lol ) but this year for an very different reason. I have had this feeling of not really caring if I receive any presents at all for Christmas, as long as the people I love are happy.

Robert Heinlein once said "Love is the condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own." I think that is the best way to end this post.

Until next time,